Individually, you need to make a posting on your blog on the topic "Biased Language." The main information source is the e-book Talking about People: A Guide to Fair & Accurate Language by Rosalie Maggio (see Links, URLS, Biased Language on WebCT), but of course you are encouraged to consult additional texts. You must present a summary and critical reflection of the chapters called "Definitions of Terms" and "General Guidelines" from Maggio's text (pages 1 to 15). This should be no less than 200 words. This should be posted by 8:30 pm on Tuesday.
TO BRING WITH YOU TO CLASS ON THURSDAY: REAL-LIFE EXAMPLES. Find at least 2 real-life examples of biased-language. The examples can be either in English or Spanish and may include not only written texts (newspaper articles, novels, text-books, etc.), but also visuals such as advertisements, cartoons, photos, etc. that illustrate biased-language.