NI Written Communication @ Uninorte
Thursday, May 04, 2006
  Self-evaluation Questions

Just add your answers (in complete sentences, please!) to your reflections posting.

1. Now that the semester has come to an end, look at your goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the semester. Which of the goals did you achieve? Why did you achieve them?

2. Which of the goals did you not achieve? What could you have done differently to achieve them?

3. Read the competencies list for this level (you can find this in the syllabus on WebCT). Check which of them you could explain without difficulty today? How many did you check? Does this number satisfy your real goal for English?

4. Do you feel you applied yourself to improving your English abilities? Why or why not?

5. Taking into account that at least 60% of our English courses will be content, what activities would you like to see happen with the other 40% of the time?

6. Overall, you deserve a ______________ as your final note in this class because…..

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
  Improving proofreading skills

Find the three sentence fragments. Correct the fragments by (1) changing the punctuation and creating one complete sentence, or (2) adding new words to make the fragment a complete sentence. Post the corrections on your blog.

There were also several differences between Washington and Lincoln. Washington came from a wealthy aristocratic background. He had several years of schooling. Lincoln came from a poor background and had very little schooling. Another difference between the two involved their military roles. Washington was a general. He was a military leader. Became president. Lincoln never served in the military. He was a lawyer who early on became a politician. When he became president, he took on the role of commander in chief, as all U.S. presidents do. Despite his lack of military background or training. Lincoln made several strategic decisions that enabled the U.S. military leaders to win the Civil War. Finally, Washington served for two terms and therefore had eight years to accomplish his policies. Lincoln, on the other hand, was assasinated. While in office and was not able to finish some of the things that he wanted for the country.

Find and mark the mistakes (tense, punctuation, word order, preposition, word choice, grammar, missing word(s), spelling ) in the following short biography. Post the corrections on your blog.

Jack Friedhamm was born to New York in October 25, 1965. He began school at the age of six and continued until he was 18 years. He then went to New York University to learn Medicine. He decided on Medicine because he liked biology when he was at school. While he was to University he met his wife Cindy. Cindy was a beautiful woman with hair long black. They went along for yeers before they decided getting married. Jack began to work like a doctor as soon as he graduated to Medical School. They had two children named Jackie and Peter, and have lived in Queens since the past two years. Jack is very interested painting and likes to paint portraits of his sun Peter.
  Wrapping things up
To do in the lab today:

(1) Sentence correction and grammar exercises (see entry above this one).

(2) Survery on blogging. Click here to take the survery.

(3) Work on your portfolio. For your reflections, I want the answers to be in COMPLETE SENTENCES. These sentences must then form PARAGRAPHS. Please EXPLAIN IN DETAIL your answers to the questions.
Online reflections and writing porfolios of International Business students at Universidad del Norte

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